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RLS Race Report

Well done everyone who took part at RLS. I took a swim (twice) but it wasn't Betsy's fault and as Matt Oliver took a swim too I am in good company. Milly Pepper absolutely smashed it in her first marathon of the year and left the rest of the field standing(sitting). Well done. Oliver Jackson...can you imagine if we all loved marathon racing as much as he does. He did comment that, 'it was a bit choppy'. Lewis Smith was gutted he was forced to wear a buoyancy aid but was probably glad he did. Alexander Riley had the decency to wait until the end of his race to bathe himself in the healing properties of Leamington's spring water. This was the first race of the season (I know Lincoln, technically was but you know what I mean) and at t

he end, we will have story's to tell... train hard and show up to as many training sessions as you can and you will progress. A good turnout allowed us to finish in 3rd on the day (1 point off Worcester) and able to maintain our position at number 1 in the Midlands (equal with Nottingham) Next stop Anker Valley. Let's Smash it! Since the writing of this Anker Valleys race was postponed due to the Beast from the East II, so onwards to Gailey next trip out.

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