1957 - 2017 60 Years of Canoeing in Lincoln
Thanks to Alan Laws, John Bannister, Ralph Jackson and Tony Lond for some of the archive photographs.

Kendall's Boat Yard, the original site of Lincoln Canoe Club

From the left, A. Binns, Laurence Oliver, Richard Oliver and Dave Padgham.

Members of the Club on the Carr Dyke being interviewed for a BBC radio program, "North Countryman at Large". This was presented by Neville Powley, who was asked to be President of the Club later that year

The Club moves to Geoff Burkitt's boat building premises in Wigford Yard. John Ward.

The first year of racing success at National level. Front page Headline from the Lincolnshire Echo.

The Certificate received by Alan Laws for his part in winning the British Open Youth Relay Championship. The other team members were Richard Oliver, Ian Grant and Roy Freeman

The loft behind the Oddfellows Arms, Carholme Road. The Club's HQ and sometime boat store.

Lincoln Canoe Club wins the Hasler Trophy four years in a row. This record remained unbeaten until 2004, when Elmbridge CC took their 5th consecutive win

Graham Patman, the Club's Chairman, holding the Mayoral Citation , which was presented to the Club during a Civic Visit by the Mayor of Lincoln, Councillor A. S. Woolhouse J.P. This was in recognition of the outstanding achievements of club members in 1963 and 1964. Note the Hasler Trophy on display in the far corner.

Just to show that it wasn't always all hard training. Newspaper report on the Royal CC Relay Race, held on the Thames, November 6th 1965

Lincolnshire Chronicle report on the first 10,000m National Canoe Race and 3rd Fosse Race, held on the same weekend in May 1966.

Newspaper report on the successes of Lincoln paddlers during 1966.

The Club is presented with the Lincoln Civic Award in its first year of presentation.

Laurence Oliver is selected for the Mexico Olympic Games in K4 1000m and reaches the semi-finals.

Lincolnshire Echo photo of guests at the 1969 Annual dinner, held at the Grand Hotel.

Laurence Oliver is selected for the Munich Olympic Games and races in K1 1000m (reaching the semi-finals) and K4 1000m events. He is seen here racing in lane 3.

Laurence Oliver attended an Olympic training camp in St Moritz, Switzerland.

The view across the Brayford in winter, before the multi-storey car park was built.

The view across the Brayford in winter, before the multi-storey car park was built.

Laurence Oliver selected for the Montreal Olympic Games in K4 1000m and reaches the semi-finals.

A Canoe Polo match at the Brayford Water Festival in the early 70's

Lincoln Marathon Race.

The Club's first purpose-built HQ is opened

Waiting for the big moment. Do you recognize anyone?

Picture with their names

Amanda Mylett races for GB at the Wild Water Racing World Championships on the River Tryweryn at Bala in North Wales.

A booklet is published to commemorate the Club's Silver Jubilee and a trip to the Sella Descent in Spain is organised.

Amanda Mylett racing on the River Dee, North Wales.

Lincoln Canoe Club hosts the Hasler Final.

New Clubhouse opened by HM Queen Elizabeth II.

Prize winners at the 1997 40th Anniversary Annual Dinner.

Andy Grimwood second in 325 mile Arctic Canoe race.